the expat mum




The Expat Mum – Let me introduce myself before you surf on over to another website.  I am Kirsty, a British Mum living in Hong Kong with her two children and hubby. Keep scrolling…


The boring stuff…I have a bachelor’s degree in Occupational Therapy, graduating with no student loans!! Yay to me!! and a little bit more interesting…..After working over 10 years in the NHS as an Occupational Therapist I voluntarily quit in 2015 to move to the other side of the world with my husband and two very young children at the time. I have since become a self-taught blogger and graphic designer.

I always had a dream from a very young age of moving abroad and living somewhere hot and sunny. However, I never thought that I would do it. My biggest block holding me back was fear. Fear of the unknown. Five years later I am writing this and yes we are still here in Hong Kong. So yes, we all have fear about something. Fear can either hold us back or push us further. I am someone who loves being in my comfort zone and spent most of my life running away from anything that would cause even the slightest bit of stress and anxiety. However, Stepping out of my comfort zone has been one of the greatest things that I have ever done for myself and my family.

This blog isn’t just about me as an Expat mum but about connecting with other Expat mums and inspiring mums around the world to step out of their comfort zones and not to just dream big but to find the courage to pursue their dreams. I also share my knowledge around graphic design and blogging and give you access to lots of free printables or digital downloads.

You don’t have to just be the mum who does the school runs, the house cleaning, the ironing. You can be the mum following her dreams, building a business, moving abroad, becoming a blogger, and still be there for your children. Whatever your dream is, go for it. If I can do it so can you.



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