Celebrating Chinese New Year with Children

Chinese New Year, also known as Lunar New Year or Spring Festival, is a vibrant and cherished celebration observed by millions of people worldwide. In Hong Kong, this festive occasion holds great significance, as it brings families together to honor traditions, enjoy sumptuous feasts, and partake in various exciting activities. In this blog post, we will explore how celebrating Chinese New Year with children in Hong Kong can be a truly enriching and memorable experience.

Immerse in Traditional Customs:

Chinese New Year is a tapestry of ancient customs, and involving children in these traditions is a surefire way to ignite their curiosity and cultural appreciation. From lively lion dances to dragon parade, these activities bring luck and laughter, creating unforgettable memories for the young ones.

Some activities you can try at home or with a group of children

Mini Lion Dance Performances


Create a mini lion dance performance at home or in your community. Encourage children to dress up as lions using makeshift costumes, and let them explore the rhythmic movements and playful interactions that define the lion dance. This not only promotes physical activity but also instills a sense of teamwork and coordination among the young participants.

Lion Dance Storytelling Sessions

Turn your home into a storytelling spot with lion dance tales for your child. Create a cozy space, use lion-themed stuff, and make the story interactive. Ask questions and let your child join in. Finish with a mini lion dance – they can pretend to be a lion! These simple sessions bring joy and cultural fun to your home.

Decorate with Chinese New Year Decorations

Make your place feel like Chinese New Year by putting up red and gold decorations. Get your children to help hang red lanterns, put up lucky sayings, and make paper cuttings with zodiac animals. It’s a fun way to make your home feel all festive and get everyone excited for the celebrations! Download this printable banner from the comfort of your home  Simply download, print, and let the little ones join in the fun by helping you cut and hang the banners. It’s an easy and delightful way to infuse your space with the joy of the Lunar New Year celebrations.

Delight in Traditional Cuisine:

Chinese New Year is a time for indulging in delectable dishes that hold cultural significance. Take your children on a culinary adventure by introducing them to traditional New Year delicacies such as dumplings, rice cakes, and fish. Explaining the symbolic meanings behind these dishes, such as prosperity and unity, will help children appreciate the cultural significance of the festival.

Engage in Craft Activities:

Craft activities provide an excellent opportunity for children to learn about Chinese New Year customs while honing their artistic skills. Encourage them to create their own red envelopes, decorate fans, or make paper lanterns. These activities not only foster creativity but also allow children to gain insights into the festival’s customs and traditions. Try these free printable DIY Chinese New Year Red Envelopes 

Attend Festive Events:

Hong Kong hosts a plethora of events and celebrations during Chinese New Year, catering to families and children. From vibrant flower markets to lion dance shows, these events offer a chance to immerse in the festive atmosphere and witness the city’s vibrant spirit. Attending these events with children will create lasting memories and allow them to experience the joy and unity that this festival brings to the community. Don’t forget to check your own local communities for events, as the festive spirit of Chinese New Year may be celebrated near you too!

Celebrating Chinese New Year with children is an extraordinary experience that offers a unique blend of cultural immersion, excitement, and family bonding. By actively involving children in traditional customs, decorations, cuisine, craft activities, and attending festive events, we can instill a deep appreciation for Hong kongs rich cultural heritage and create cherished memories that will last a lifetime. Let us embrace this opportunity to celebrate diversity and foster cultural understanding among the younger generation. 

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